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Worth The Fight Podcast

Jun 23, 2020

Kelli and Conner tell it how it is: They share refreshing unfiltered Real Talk around sexual taboos and conscious relationships. They’ve teamed up on the OK, Babe Podcast to squash shame and help others navigate communication and sex.

OK Babe Podcast

#36 Show Notes - Threesomes, Sexual Taboos & Conscious Relationships: Kelli Tennant & Conner Moore from OK, Babe

We Discuss;

  •  5:22 - The different relationship "camps" and specifically "monogamish" relationships.

  • 14:50 - Different perspectives; zooming out from your own personal experience for a fuller picture of BLM protesting, looting, and the media's role in narrating perspective.

  •  18:14 - The meeting of social movements/unrest, COVID-19, Donald Trump, racial injustice, and even astrology as a necessary collision for changing the narrative.

  •  22:05 - The wellness space, psychedelics, white privilege and how to make the message of wellness more inclusive.

  •  34:00 - Anti-racism, Ibram Kendi and change through conscious action and difficult conversation.

  •  38:14 - Power distribution, prison reform, the War on Drugs, psychedelic studies, the education system, and distractions.

  •  43:02 - Nadine Burke Harris and "ACEs" - Adverse Childhood Experiences, epigenetics and generational trauma.

  • 51:45 - The church, shame/guilt, childhood sexual trauma, veteran trauma, and the perpetuation of war and conflict on earth.


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